Volunteering opportunities for English-speaking adults in Madrid

Whether you are relatively new to Madrid and seeking ways to make new friends or have been here a while and want to find out where you can give something back to the city, you will be surprised by the wide range of volunteering opportunities available to you. Serve the City Serve the City can […]

volunteering in MadridWhether you are relatively new to Madrid and seeking ways to make new friends or have been here a while and want to find out where you can give something back to the city, you will be surprised by the wide range of volunteering opportunities available to you.

Serve the City

Serve the City can be found in big cities all around the world. It is a non-profit organization of volunteers who carry out practical work in the city that they live in or are spending time in.  Madrid’s branch of Serve the City has partnered with homeless shelters, refugee rehousing schemes and marginalized communities to provide support in simple ways, from helping with meals at soup kitchens to doing sports with teenagers. Contact the English-speaking head of volunteers for more details about what you can do to help:  info@servethecity.es

British Benevolent Fund

British Benevolent Fund

The British Benevolent Fund helps British citizens in need that live in Spain or are passing through. It provides financial support to partner organizations around Spain to care for those British citizens in their vicinity in need of practical assistance. Their main office is in Madrid and they are always keen to talk to people interested in volunteering as fundraisers, awareness raisers, case support workers and partner contact liaisons. If you are interested in finding out more, please do not hesitate to contact: info@britishbenevolentfund.org

Costa Women

Costa Women is a free nationwide social network for female English-speaking long-term residents of Spain. Called “Costa” because it originated on the “costas” of Andalucia and Murcia, it has since mushroomed across the country and right into the heartland of Madrid capital city. Costa Women Madrid is keen to fundraise for charities, as is Costa Women elsewhere in Spain. Contact Ali Meehan at: ali@costawomen.com to find out how Costa Women in Madrid is branching out.

St George’s Guild Library

Located in the grounds of St George’s Anglican Church on calle Núñez de Balboa 43, this lovely library with an eclectic mix of English language titles is open every Wednesday from 11-13:30h and on Sunday mornings too. Two Tuesdays a month it also opens to coincide with the talks offered by the Guild and the British Ladies Association. They are keen to hear from willing volunteers who would like to help out. Contact guildlibraryteam@gmail.com  for more information.

British Scouts Madrid


The British Scouts of Madrid hold meetings once a month, in English, for children aged 6-18 years old. They follow the British Scouting Overseas programme and are affiliated with the Iberia and France District. If you enjoy a challenge, have a skill you think you could share with young kids, are good at admin or have a few hours on your hands once a month to help with logistics, please get in touch! The email address is: leadership@britishscoutsmadrid.com

British Cemetery

Nestled in the unassuming southern Madrid neighbourhood of Carabanchel there is a small cemetery with a long history. Property of the Crown, it is currently looked after by a small group of volunteers who would be delighted to receive a helping hand. The resting place for more than 600 people from over 50 nationalities, of all faiths and denominations, this cemetery is a peaceful oasis with a mine of historical interest.  If you are interested in helping document the stories of the families of those who are laid to rest here or can lend some support to weeding and clearing the grounds, please contact  Monica: monica_segoviana27@yahoo.es

Take a look at Kids in Madrid blog to find out about more events happening in the capital.
