How to encourage kids to go green!

With recycling plastic everywhere in the news right now, kids are never too young to start learning the importance of conservation, protecting the planet and to go green. Turn it off! One of the easiest ways to start conserving energy around the house is by simply flipping a switch. Making sure that all lights are […]

With recycling plastic everywhere in the news right now, kids are never too young to start learning the importance of conservation, protecting the planet and to go green.

Turn it off!

One of the easiest ways to start conserving energy around the house is by simply flipping a switch. Making sure that all lights are turned off when you leave the house and that lights are off in rooms you are not using when you are home, can save energy and even save money on your electric bill. Let your children be in charge of “Operation Lights Off” and let them “patrol” the house and look for lights that need to be turned off. Also, ask your children to count all the light bulbs in the house, and ask them to let you know when they burn out. When replacing the bulbs, be sure to use new energy-saving low consumption bulbs. By turning off lights and using energy efficient bulbs you can save over 50 Euros a month!

Get organised!

Many of us still have trouble remembering to sort the recycling and somehow, despite our best efforts, that wine bottle still ends up in the bin with an empty can of peas and a three-day-old newspaper. This is a great time to bring in the kids. With three different color bins and a few instructions, you are ready to put your kids in charge of the recycling. Many of the local schools already have recycling programs in place, and you might be surprised at how knowledgeable your children are about recycling. And, your kids will get a kick out of telling you how to put things away for a change.

Every drop counts!

Take advantage of your children’s young age and small size, and let them all have a big bubble bath together. You might think that you are actually wasting water judging by how much gets splashed out onto the floor, but the fewer times you fill that tub, the more water you save. Also, encourage your children to always turn off the water while they are brushing their teeth.

Get clearing out!

With small children in the house, it is unbelievable how fast things accumulate – a teddy bear here, a new train there, and before you know it, your house looks like an overstocked toy store. There are many great charities and organizations in town that collect second-hand children’s toys and goods to either be sold or given to children who need them. Get your children into the act and put them in charge of cleaning out their toy box and letting them pick out things to give away that they think other children will love and use. The two best times of the year to do this is right before Christmas and your child’s birthday – two times when a wave of new things is about to descend on your house. Your kids will be recycling and reusing old toys and helping others at the same time. One place that accepts donations year round is the American Women’s Club. They sell the items at a second-hand sale and use the proceeds to fund various charitable organizations in Spain.

Would you like to know about more activities for your child? Read or blog!

Do you have any other ideas for encouraging your kids to recycle? Let us know on our facebook page.
