Fun ways to get back into shape after having your baby

After months of waiting for your little one finally arrives, and even though you are a bit overwhelmed, you couldn’t be happier. And then, one day, when the baby is sleeping and you feel as though you have everything under control, you look in the mirror and think, “I could have sworn I just had […]

After months of waiting for your little one finally arrives, and even though you are a bit overwhelmed, you couldn’t be happier. And then, one day, when the baby is sleeping and you feel as though you have everything under control, you look in the mirror and think, “I could have sworn I just had that baby so why do I still look pregnant? I want to get back into shape!”

Getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight


This can be a frustrating challenge for many new Mums. Finding the time to eat healthily, let alone exercise with a new baby in the house can be a challenge, so here are a few tips to help you get back into shape.

One of the biggest challenges that new Mums face is finding time away from the baby to do a proper workout. If you are finding this to be a losing battle, you might just want to give in and make baby part of your exercise routine.

Get Your Stroller Rolling

One of the easiest ways to combine a little exercise for Mum while keeping baby happy and healthy is as simple as a quick walk around the neighborhood with your little one in the stroller. Daily walks are good for Mummy and baby, and if your baby falls asleep, you can get in quite a good workout- while your baby can get in his daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun. And for those Mummies who want to pick up the pace a bit,
you might want to think about investing in a good jogging stroller. These lightweight, big-wheeled strollers allow Mum to get in a good run and baby will love the high-speed ride.
A quick note about strollers: Before you and baby hit the road, make sure your stroller is set so that baby is facing you. Studies have shown that speech and language development in babies can be enhanced by the simple act of turning your stroller around. This allows for greater interaction between parent and child during walks, and provides more opportunity for stimulating “conversations”.

Get zen with your little one

More and more classes are popping up around Madrid that are designed for Mummies and babies. City Yoga, for example, offers a wide range of “Mummy and Me” yoga classes that allow Mum to workout while the baby has a little “zen time” of his own.

Exercise at Home

Many new Mums find it intimidating to go back to the gym right away after the baby is born. A good option might be to start your own little home gym. There are a wide variety of very good DVDs available with every kind of workout imaginable. While the baby is napping or happy in his bouncy seat, you can get in a good workout and not have to be self-conscious in the process.
Quick Note: When choosing a DVD, look for a workout that is specially designed for new Mums. These workouts will be a bit less strenuous and will focus on the special needs of a new Mum’s body.

Exercise Buddy

After a new baby, it may be hard to get motivated to start an exercise routine. This is where a workout buddy can really help. Team up with another new Mum in your same boat, and help each other. Simply having some company on your daily walks might be just the inspiration you need to get up and moving.
In addition to motivation, your workout partner can also act as a workout babysitter of sorts. Take a trip to the park and while one of you hangs out with the strollers and watches the ducks, the other can go for a quick run. Then it is Mummy number two’s turn to strap on her roller blades and do a quick lap around the park.

The important thing is to get creative and take advantage of this time when your little one loves to be snuggled up in his stroller or seat because once they start walking, your baby will introduce you to a whole new type of exercise!

Do you have other ideas to exercise with your kids? Let us know below or check more articles in our blog.
