Introducing Tricia Audette, a Canadian comedienne based in Madrid. In her new show Knock Knock Soy Yo Tricia offers a humorous reflection of her life in-between two languages and two cultures. In a powerful solo performance that takes us on a journey towards self-awareness, Tricia uses jokes, audio-visual props and mimes to help us navigate every obstacle, misunderstanding and double meaning along the way. In the end, we find ourselves knocking on every door with a large helping of self-confidence. We guarantee you will all enjoy it, especially those parents who go along with their teenage daughters. This feel-good show is full of complicity that overcomes language and age barriers.
Suitable for 14+
When: every Friday at 19:00 until February 2018
Duration: 60 minutes
Where: Teatro La Escalera de Jacob, calle Lavapies 9, Madrid (metro Tirso de Molina)
Price: 7 eur
For more information see our calendar event details:
Review written by Dominique White
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